Immunitone Plus is a comprehensive herbal formula that is designed to support healthy immune system function. It contains herbs that support normal natural killer (NK) cell activity and the balance of cyto- kines, which are the regulatory proteins released by immune cells as part of a normal immune system response. The standardized herbs in this formula contain optimal and consistent amounts of the most active ingredients.
Research suggests that certain herbs, mushroom extracts and other natural compounds have potential antiviral and antibacterial activity as well as the ability to help stimulate natural killer (NK) cell activity, cytokine synthesis and the T-cell and B-cell mediated responses. The research presented here on com- pounds found in nature show significant potential in the support of treatment for an array of conditions such as influenza, respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, and various bacterial infections.1-20
- Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) – “Traditional herbal medicine provides several remedies for sup- porting the body’s resistance to illness through effects on immune system components. Echinacea, a native plant of North America, is widely used to help prevent colds. Preclinical studies lend biological plausibility to the idea that echinacea works through immune mechanisms. Numerous clinical trials have been carried out on echinacea preparations: it appears that the extracts shorten the duration and sever- ity of colds and other upper respiratory infections (URIs) when given as soon as symptoms become evident.”16
- AstragalusExtract(Astragalusmembranaceus)-“Astragalusextractimprovedthememory,raisedSOD activity in brain and liver, decreased the MDA content in the liver of aged mice, reduced the MDA con- tent in ischemia-reperfusion kidney, decreased the creatinine level in blood of rats, and promoted the activity of NK cells.”7
- Elderberry Extract (Sambucus nigra) – “Symptoms were relieved on average four days earlier and use of rescue medication was significantly less in those receiving elderberry extract compared with place- bo.” Elderberry extract may offer an efficient, adjunct to treatment for influenza.15
- Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata) – “It is concluded that Andrographis paniculata had a high degree of effectiveness in reducing the prevalence and intensity of the symptoms in uncomplicated common cold beginning at day two of treatment. No adverse effects were observed or reported.”10 Tem- perature was moderately reduced in the treatment group. It can be concluded that Kan Jang has a posi- tive effect in the treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infections and also relieves the inflammatory symptoms of sinusitis. The study drug was well tolerated.”11 (Kan Jang = Andrographis paniculata)
- Larch Tree (Arabinogalactan) – “Arabinogalactan is composed of greater than 98% arabinogalactan, a highly branched polysaccharide consisting of a galactan backbone with side-chains of galactose and arabinose sugars. Evidence also indicates human consumption of larch arabinogalactan has a significant
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